How to relax after a stressful workday: The 3 types of rest you need

For the times when you can’t leave your desk, you can still stretch while sitting for five minutes without intervention. To-do lists and a full inbox can be daunting, but if you focus on your breathing, you can begin how to destress after work to calm yourself down. This should give you time to stop and think about what’s in front of you. With any luck, during that moment, you can tell yourself that to-do lists are only completed one thing at a time.

how to destress after work

After dealing with stress at work all day, it’s best to get some fresh air and contact with nature. Knowing how to separate what happens in our work life from our personal life is very important, as this will allow us to live a much calmer and happier life. At Pragmatic Thinking we acknowledge First Nations people both here in Australia and around the world.

Exercise or Go for a Run

Eye-strain is another common symptom of our screen-filled days. But more than just dry eyes, too much time on a screen can lead to headaches, tense shoulders and back, and potentially even blurred vision. Here’s an easy breathing exercise you can try to see the difference for yourself. For each item, you’ll write down a concrete next step, set a deadline (if appropriate), and categorize them as either working on now, waiting on someone else, or someday. Yet, it’s impossible to simply tell ourselves (or someone else ) to ‘just relax’. Those thoughts you push aside when watching TV or making dinner for your family always seem to pop up as soon as you try to fall asleep.

how to destress after work

Sometimes, I like to seek out websites that are informative or simply make me laugh. It’s a way for me to ensure that my business doesn’t stop me from learning new things, and it also allows me to keep up with other aspects of advertising that I’m not as familiar with in my current role. Of course, inspiration is incredibly important too–a 30-second Nike commercial can be just the pick-me-up you need during a busy week. Laughter is also key–reading or watching something funny can improve your mood significantly.

Step #4: Give yourself a sleep edge

It may be difficult if you’re used to working all the time, but everyone needs to recover after exerting themselves–even the best athletes in the world have to rest between competitions. Although it might seem like they go hand-in-hand, busy days and stressful days are two different things. You can have a hectic day without stacks of looming assignments hanging over your head or the pressure of avoiding eye contact with your boss as you slowly back away from your desk at 7 p.m., stressed AF. When it comes to how to unwind after work, I love doing yoga since it focuses on calming your mind, deep breathing, and slow movements. Before bed, I often stretch and do a few sun salutations, too, to quiet my racing thoughts.